Demand Letters for Payment, Affordable & Online

When your attempts to collect money from customers stall, getting a lawyer to draft a well-written demand letter can make a significant difference in your results.

The benefits of writing a demand letter

When a tenant or other customer is in default of a contractual obligation to pay you and initial efforts to collect the debt have stalled, it may be time to write a strong demand letter. Here are the key benefits of sending a final demand letter:

  • Demand letters can result in delinquent debtors taking the situation more seriously.
  • Demand letters can cause a debtor to make a payment or settle.
  • Should you end up in court, your arguments will be well organized and ready to go.

If you have questions about whether it is time to send a demand for payment, join LegalShield today.

The elements of an effective demand letter

Effective demand letters generally include certain key elements. While your language should be strong, keep it polite. Attacking the debtor will only harm your chances of collecting the funds you are owed.

  • The facts of the situation. Who did what and when?
  • Reference relevant terms from any contract signed between the parties.
  • A specific demand. Exactly how much is owed?
  • A deadline with a specific date.
  • A statement that you are prepared to pursue legal remedies if your demand is not met.

With LegalShield, you get access to lawyer-drafted demand letter templates, legal consultation on an unlimited number of business legal matters and your lawyer can review your demand letters prior to sending them.

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How to get better debt collection results

Working with a lawyer who can guide and assist your business related to debt collection efforts is a great first step. LegalShield small business members often receive better results by having their lawyer assisting in the debt collection process.

A debt collection letter on a provider law firm’s letterhead can make a significant impact. All small business plans include a certain number of demand for payment letters each month and year, written and sent by your provider lawyer. Furthermore, instead of a letter, a provider lawyer can make a call to seek to resolve the matter for no additional charge.

Not only do demands directly from a lawyer get better results, but you also do not have to pay commissions on the funds collected.

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Key features of our Small Business Legal Plans

LegalShield’s business plans can help you in the following areas.

Man with a conversation bubble above his head

Advice, consultation and research

Legal consultation from a provider lawyer on business legal matters, with legal research for each issue, if needed.

Phone receiver

Letters or phone calls

Receive help with business legal matters more efficiently with professional communications issued on your behalf.

Document with a magnifying glass.

Document review

Put business-related legal documents through legal review.

Envelope with letter sticking out.

Collection letters

A collection letter from a provider lawyer could help you recoup payments more efficiently.

How LegalShield works

Finding solutions to your legal issues doesn’t have to be stressful, complicated or expensive. LegalShield puts the power of legal representation within reach of any individual, family, or business. We work hard to make it easy, simple, and affordable to get the legal help you need, when you need it.

Hand holding their mobile device while looking at the LegalShield app

Get help with demand letters

Plan start at only $49/month

Business woman talking on th phone and looking at a laptop computer screen.