Personal & Family

9 Legal Tips to Help You Prepare for Summer
Follow these tips to help you navigate summer’s potential legal headaches.

8 Legal Tips for Summer Travel
Whether you are driving, flying or taking a cruise, it's important to be prepared. These travel tips will help you be ready for the unexpected.

How to Repair Credit & Avoid Credit Repair Scams
Improving your credit score takes time, but it can be done. Learn how to repair your credit and avoid credit repair scams with your LegalShield.

10 Legal Tips for Hiring a Contractor
Most contract disputes with building contractors arise because of misunderstandings about the work to be performed. Avoid legal problems with these tips.

Don’t Let Time Run Out on Your Legal Options
Statutes of limitation are laws requiring an injured or aggrieved party to file a lawsuit within a certain time frame or forever lose the right to sue.

Bad Neighbors? Handle Neighbor Disputes with These Tips
Bad neighbors? Feuding neighbors? It’s best to resolve neighbor disputes legally. We give you tips & help you take the next step. Learn more.

Start 2017 With These Money Saving Tips
Being proactive is the best way to stay ahead of money challenges and reach your financial goals.

Photographic Privacy: Can You Take That Picture?
Here's a look the legal issues surrounding privacy in regards to photography and videography.

6 Ways to Protect Yourself from Craigslist Scams
Consumers buying products and services directly from other individuals should follow these helpful tips to avoid craigslist scams.

What a First Time LegalShield Caller Needs to Know
You can call your LegalShield team with any legal questions. Follow these tips to make sure you're ready for a great talk with your advisor.

Buying a Timeshare Property? Here's What You Need to Know
Thinking about purchasing a timeshare? While you might want to jump right in, they can be tricky. Here are 5 things to consider before buying.

New Member Mobile App–MyLegalShield now available!
The MyLegalShield member app for iOS and Android smartphones will put the power of LegalShield in your pocket.

Legal Prep for Future College Students: What Should Parents Know?
Prep for future college students varies by family, but have you considered giving your child access to a law firm through a solution such as LegalShield?