Consumer credit
Have a lawyer review consumer credit issues you may have.
Have peace of mind knowing our experienced law firms can help with Will Preparation and other legal questions.
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Creating a Will is the smartest way to stay in control over who gets your property, who administers your estate, and who will care for your children and pets. Included with your legal plan:
(with Advanced & Premium Legal Plans only)
(Trust included w/Premium Plan)
Use our app or your computer and select “Estate Planning.”
Build your Will using our guided online experience or work with a lawyer to make sure it reflects your wishes.
Voila, you have a valid Will. Like we said, it’s easy.
Pay $299.40 today for an annual subscription and save $60 versus paying monthly.
*Supplements for specific legal matters can be added at any time when you choose the monthly subscription option. Supplements are not available on the annual subscription at this time.
Monthly and annual membership fees paid for the current membership period are non-refundable and the contract remains active until the end of the Eligibility Period.
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If it’s a legal issue, we’ve likely dealt with it. We also help with:
Have a lawyer review consumer credit issues you may have.
Representation and defense at covered civil trials.
Investigations/examinations of your personal federal tax return.
Moving violations, accidents, driving-related criminal charges and driver’s license maintenance and reinstatements.