Small Business

Social Media Policies for Employees: Are They Needed?
Social media has caused a rise in employer vs. employee cases. LegalShield breaks down what you need to know about social media policies at work.

Omicron is Causing Mass Worker Shortages. What Should Business Owners Do When They’re Short Staffed?
Millions of Americans have tested positive for Omicron, the latest COVID-19 strain, and businesses industry-wide are facing the consequences. Business owners should do the following to stay afloat.

Right to Strike: What are Your Employee Rights?
Over 8,000 grocery workers on going on strike in Denver. What makes a strike a strike and what is the right to strike for employees?

Can I Require My Small Business Employees to be Vaccinated Against COVID-19?
Small businesses should consider all legal issues before imposing an employee vaccine mandate. Connect with a lawyer through LegalShield to learn more.

When Should I Get Legal Help When Starting a Business?
If you’re starting a business, you can’t afford to forego legal help on a number of crucial issues. LegalShield can help!

What You Need to Know about Pandemic Relief Programs Expiring and What it Means for the Economic State
The LegalShield Economic Stress Index shows how the economic state is doing especially as the pandemic relief funds are expiring. Here's what you should know.

Facebook: Unethical Behavior in the Workplace
Facebook documents revealed that unethical behavioral in the workplace has caused employees to speak out. What should you do if you see unethical behavior?

Why You Should Trademark Your Business Name to Protect Your Brand
Trademarking your business name protects your brand. Learn about trademark infringement, trademark vs registered, trademark vs copyright, and more!

Small Business Cybersecurity Threats to Look Out For
Trying to stay on top of everything can be hard, which is why LegalShield helps you identify small business cybersecurity threats so you can stay protected.

Spotting a Toxic Work Environment: Tesla Lawsuit
A San Francisco federal court announced Tesla must pay a former worker $137 million after his claim of enduring racial abuse in their toxic work environment.

The Elizabeth Holmes Trial, Workplace Toxicity and Employer Retaliation: What Are Your Employee Rights to Speak Up?
The Elizabeth Holmes trial is a key lesson on employee rights and how to speak up. Understand your legal rights with a LegalShield provider lawyer.

Sole Proprietorship vs LLC: Learn the Differences
Are you searching for the difference between a sole proprietorship and LLC? We compare sole proprietorship vs LLC including tax benefits and how to choose!

How to Change LLC to S-Corporation
Are you looking to convert an LLC to S-corp? Learn how to change an LLC to S-corp and the tax consequences for switching.

LLC vs LLP: Differences Between LLC and LLP
Learn about the differences between an LLC and an LLP and how LegalShield can help you make the right decision for your business!

I Quit: Why Are Americans Quitting Their Jobs and How Do Employment Rights Take a Part in This?
Why are people quitting their jobs across the U.S. and how do employment rights come into play? Read out to LegalShield about any questions you might have.

What is an LLP & How to Set One Up
What is an LLP? Learn set-up steps, benefits, and drawbacks of a Limited Liability Partnership to make the best choice for your business—click for details!

Why Develop an Employee Handbook
An employee handbook is a crucial document for preserving and communicating your company’s standards, policies, and values.

Anatomy of a Small Business Contract Strategy
Businesses should create the essential contracts to protect the company from liability and minimize risk while maximizing the chance for success.

Check Your Contracts For These Items
A few crucial clauses in contracts can help small businesses protect their interests in dealing with vendors or partners.

Next Level Contracts to Grow Your Business
Developing businesses require new kinds of contracts for different and complex deals and partnerships.

Planning Business Contracts For 2021
Your small business contracts may need to be adjusted in 2021 to deal with changes, including COVID-19 realities.

Making Sense of Contract Terms
Understanding the legal language of contracts can help small businesses make sound, long-lasting agreements.

Top 5 Reasons to Review Your Employee Handbook
A periodic examination of your employee handbook keeps it current with company policies and employment law.

Top 7 Common Contract Pitfalls to Avoid
Frequent mistakes in small business contracts can hamstring a company’s ability to grow, and could result in costly disputes.

5 Tips Every Home-Based Entrepreneur Needs to Know
Home-based business owners will benefit from knowing these crucial tips for keeping their business on a successful track.

Sidestep Common Small Business Mistakes from the Start
Early startup mistakes contribute to business failures, and are avoidable if founders know what common small business mistakes they should look out for.

Your Small Business Year End Checklist
What a year for your business! Now it's time to take stock of your finances. Manage your profits, expenses and more with the help of this checklist.