Personal & Family

The Business of Being a Landlord
Landlords can protect their investment and their property with a business approach to leasing.

Writing a Tenant Security Deposit Return Letter
Creating a security deposit return letter requires knowing what and how to justify withholding money from tenants.

6 Steps For Collecting Late Rent Before Eviction
Landlords have several remedies for late rent payments before eviction.

Four Questions Landlords Ask About Security Deposits
Some of the most common questions new landlords have about handling tenant security deposits.

Don’t Let a New Credit Card Destroy You
Don't jump on every credit card offer you get in the mail. Take these precautions to see if you really need this card and to make sure it's safe.

5 Tips Every Home-Based Entrepreneur Needs to Know
Home-based business owners will benefit from knowing these crucial tips for keeping their business on a successful track.

Estate Planning: Myths and Mysteries You Should Know
Estate planning myths and mysteries lead to the confusion around the process. LegalShield attorneys are here to provide clarity.

Can You End a Lease Early? Breaking a Lease Without a Penalty
Regardless of when your lease ends, breaking a lease early can be possible if you meet a certain criteria that allows you to leave without getting penalized.

Violation of Tenant Rights: 6 Steps to Immediately Take
Learn how to address a landlords violation of tenants rights and the steps you need to take immediately to address the problem or break your lease.

Tenant Rights: What Every Renter Needs to Know
If renters feel like they’re a victim of discrimination or unfair treatment from their landlord, they can take advantage of laws that protect their tenant rights.

Apartment Leases: What Every Renter Needs to Know
Many young people and college students lease apartments. Learn from LegalShield what to look for in a lease and what to be cautious of when signing a lease.

What You Need to Know About Estate Taxes
Estate taxes are an important part of your Will. Get the info you need to create a thorough Will that protects your estate.

Should I Put My Home in a Trust?
You want to leave instructions for the treatment of your home, property and loved ones after your passing. Here are some basic tips to make it easier.

ABCs of Estate Planning for Your Home
You can take care of your possessions and loved ones—even after your passing! Creating a Will ensures that your wishes will be met with care.

What Happens to Your Child if You Don't Have a Will?
You can take good care of your child after your death by ensuring they are in your Will now. A Will lets you lay out your clear wishes for your child's care.

When is the Best Time to Sell My Home?
You want to know if now is the best time to sell your home. Your LegalShield lawyer can help you decide on the best course of action to take.

Creating Your Will With LegalShield
As a LegalShield Member, you can create a will with our simple, streamlined process. Discover considerations when making a will and more. Learn more.

5 Tips to Ensure a Smooth Home Purchase
Before you buy that house, learn about your options and requirements. LegalShield helps you with advice, document review and more.

Home Buying for First Timers
Is it your first time to buy a home? Follow these basic guidelines so you can go through the process with confidence!

5 Common Pitfalls to Avoid When Selling Your Home
There's a lot that goes into selling your home, and many pitfalls to avoid. LegalShield attorneys are here to help you through the home selling process.

How Are Child Custody Arrangements Made?
Trying to figure out child custody arrangements? Your LegalShield attorney can give guidance and help work out the details for your family.

What is the Process to Adopt a Child?
Are you thinking about legally adopting a child? Learn more about the legal adoption process to help you make decisions. Start the process to adopt a child!

How To Change a Custody Order
Learn how to go about changing a custody order and the reasons a judge will consider changing custody orders.

2 Very Important Types of Power of Attorney
Having Financial and Healthcare Power of Attorneys can be benefiical in several ways. LegalShield breaks down how these roles work and their differences.

Types of Guardianship & What Will Work for You
Understanding the types of guardianship you'll have to choose from for adults and minors will help you make the best decision. Here's what you need to know.

What is a Legal Guardianship & What is its Purpose?
Deciding on guardianship for your loved one can involve several considerations. Learn from LegalShield what a legal guardianship is and its purpose.

What Rights & Responsibilities Do Adoptive Parents Have?
You're adopting a child—congrats! You want to be in the know about adoptive parents rights & responsibilities to your child. We've got you covered.